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Child Protection & Child Safeguarding
IMASA Lead Child Protection Officers;

Mr Paul Chambers (LCPO)

Mrs Elaine Chambers (LCPO)

Phone: 01246 452878


IMASA Child Safety Guidelines available from; (Members Only)


UK South CPO

David Penk

Phone: 01444 247859 


NSPCC Helpline for adults concerned about a Child: 0808 800 5000

NSPCC Helpline for Children & Young Persons: 0800 1111



IMASA Club Members wishing to Volunteer as a Local IMASA CPO please contact Paul on:

CPO Volunteers should have the following in place:

  1. Up to date DBS check in place

  2. Completed a recognised Child Safety & Protection Course

 (Online Course details can be found below)


NSPCC Guidelines;

What to do if you're not sure

If you're in a situation where you suspect abuse of a child but they haven't actually said anything to you, there are a number of steps you can take.

Continue to talk to the child

Most children who are being abused find it very difficult to talk about it. By having ongoing conversations, the time may come when they're ready to talk.

Keep a diary

This is a good way to keep a note of your concerns and the way your child is behaving. It can also help to spot patterns of behaviour.

Talk to the child's teacher or health visitor

The professionals who come into contact with the child may also have noticed them acting unusually.

Get someone else's perspective

Talk about your worries with a trusted friend or family member or with an NSPCC helpline counsellor. Ask what they think about your concerns.

Talk through your worries.


You can also report your worries to our helpline on 0808 800 5000. You don't have to give your name if you'd prefer to remain anonymous.

If you suspect that someone is abusing a child, reporting the abuse may not be something you want to consider. Especially if the alleged abuser is a friend or family member.

Your initial reaction may be to dismiss it or try to prove it's not true. But it's vital that you report your concerns if you feel a child's in danger. By not reporting your concerns it could mean that the abuse will continue.


 NSPCC Online safeguarding training for anyone working with Children

Gain the skills to act appropriately and confidently in protecting children at schools and colleges.


Working at your own pace, this introductory training course will give you and your staff a clear understanding of how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child’s welfare.


This online course can be taken through the NSPCC Website; £20.00 (Nov 2016)


IMASA Clubs wanting to carry out a "PANTS" session in the Dojo (great for Adult, Junior Members and Parents) please contact Elaine or Paul for the easy session Lesson Plan PDF's;

Lesson Plan

Teaching Guidance

PANTS Presentation

Learning objectives Children will be able to:• Understand the Underwear Rule and Talk  PANTS
Name body parts and know which parts should be private
Know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch and understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch – even to a family member or someone they know or love
Start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help

A PowerPoint presentation
Lesson plan*• Task 1: Pants templates*

Task 2: Body parts jigsaw puzzle*

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