
Independent Martial Art Sports Association
The Independent Martial Art Sports Association (IMASA) was set up 10yrs ago by Martial Artists for the benefit of all Martial Arts and Sports Club Owners and their students.
The purposes of IMASA is to promote all Amateur Martial Arts in the UK's community and participation in the same Nationally.
Not getting what you deserve from your Association Governing Body? Feel let down? then please read on.
To promote Sport and Martial Arts in schools and colleges around the UK, for the benefit of our Member Club Owners and Instructors.
To promote and encourage branches of the IMASA to be formed throughout the Country.
We want dedicated Club Owners, Instructors and Coaches on board, but if you just want good quality Insurance cover and to be left alone to run your own Club that's fine too - Not a Problem, maybe you will decide you want more at a later date - were here when you want us – Non-Political Association.
We offer low cost - top quality products to our Members for the benefit of each Instructor and their Club, we are run by Instructors and Club owners - so we appreciate all the hard work it takes to be a successful Club.
We are a non-political Association in the sense we have no dictators or ego seekers - each Member has the same right as the next, all Associations say that but how many mean it?, we at IMASA mean it, its our promise to each Instructor/Coach and Club Owner.
We aim to co-operate with other bodies having similar or sympathetic aims and generally do all such acts as shall further the active and corporate life of the Club Owners and may lawfully be done by a body established for the purposes recognized by the law of England.
We are a relatively new Association but our aim is to be the best - Join now and make a difference.
Want to make a difference, need more Information please contact our General Secretary:
Paul Chambers 01246-452878 or 07919123605
General Enquiries email to: enquiriesimasa@aol.com